Analytical statement on the Scouting in the CIS


Since 2007 the World Scout Scarf  Day has been celebrated on August 1. It was created to popularize scouting in various countries of the world. For this holiday we have traced the history of the Scout Movement in the CIS and prepared the analytical material for you. 

Source: Online publication "Teacher's newspaper"
Source: Online publication "Teacher's newspaper"

Scouting has existed for over 100 years. Having appeared in the UK, the Movement soon gained popularity all over the world. Education based on the scout method, a large number of outdoor activities, special uniforms and symbols proved attractive to teenagers in different countries.

In the CIS in several countries scouting also has a century-old history. In some states it appeared only in the 1990s. The analytical statement provides information about the history of the Scout Movement in the CIS countries. In the document you will find data on existing organizations and their distinctive features.