The presentation of the e-library "Youth of the CIS" project took place at the X Forum of Russian Young Librarians "Present yourself to the world"


At the pitch session "How can a library become a factory of creativity and intelligence?" Artem Romanovich Turenko, the head of the library, and Yulia Vasilyevna Golovnya, the methodologist, presented a report on the achievements of the electronic library.

On October 12 readings of the forum participants' reports were held at the Russian State Library for Young Adults. Young librarians from different regions of Russia presented successful cases and interesting practices for the development of libraries both offline and online.

The events of the Forum program were held at the sites of all federal libraries with the support of federal bodies of state youth policy and with the involvement of a wide range of partner organizations and representatives of the expert community.

The event was organized by the Russian State Library for Young Adults — the headquarters of the Youth Section of the Russian Library Association. The All-Russian State Library of Foreign Literature named after M. I. Rudomino and the Russian State Library became co-organizers.

© Russian State Library for Young Adults: X Forum of Russian Young Librarians
© Russian State Library for Young Adults: X Forum of Russian Young Librarians