Specialty "Youth work" in the CIS Member States: analytical reference


The electronic library presents a new material dedicated to the development of the specialty "Youth work" ("Organization of youth work") in the Commonwealth of Independent States.

In the CIS countries youth work is perceived as a key area of humanitarian cooperation. International youth cooperation is actively developing between the CIS countries. It is designed to preserve and deepen partnership, friendly relations between the CIS Member States in the field of youth work.

Our publication consists of several sections. At the beginning the distinctive features of youth work in the Soviet period are considered. Then the experience of training in the specialty at the level of higher professional education is analyzed. Special attention is paid to the organization of retraining and advanced training of youth workers in the CIS. The reference allows you to get an idea of both the positive trends in the development of the specialty in the Commonwealth space and the problems of this area.

You can read the reference here.