Participation in the All-Russian Library Congress: XXVII Annual Conference of the Russian Library Association


The biggest event in the library life of Russia is taking place in Murmansk these days. Our library was presented at the congress by methodologist Yulia Golovnya.

Source: E-library "Youth of the CIS"
Source: E-library "Youth of the CIS"

The report on the project was presented at the Section on International Cooperation. The e-library "Youth of the CIS" was presented as a participant in the competition for the "Rudomino Prize" 2022. Colleagues from libraries in Murmansk, Pskov, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Yekaterinburg also spoke about international projects.

Section leaders were Svetlana Gorokhova, Adviser to the General Director of the Margarita Rudomino All-Russian State Library for Foreign Literature, and Daria Belyakova, Head of the Center for Library Science and Professional Interaction of the Margarita Rudomino All-Russian State Library for Foreign Literature. Colleagues stressed the importance of our project for the development of international youth cooperation.

We also managed to discuss the development of social networks of libraries with colleagues from the Central Universal Scientific Library named after N. A. Nekrasov and the National Library of Russia

The congress is attended by specialists from different regions of the country. The topics of the sections and meetings cover a wide range of activities: working with children, local history, source studies, rare books, cataloging, volunteering and others.

We thank the organizers of the congress for the opportunity to present our project to colleagues from all over Russia!