Information and analytical reference "Event volunteering in the Commonwealth of Independent States"


This year has been declared the Year of the Volunteer Movement in the Commonwealth of Independent States. In this regard, a number of publications of the library will be devoted to various areas of volunteering. The first of our inquiries is about event volunteering.

Photo source: website of the First Charity Foundation
Photo source: website of the First Charity Foundation

In the reference you will find:

- terminology,

- history of the development of the volunteer movement,

- statistical data on the areas of volunteering among young people (results of sociological surveys),

- information on the activities of key volunteer organizations.

Special attention in the publication is paid to cooperation in the Union State, a supranational entity of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus.

We express our gratitude to the Association of Volunteer Centers (Russian Federation) and the Republican Volunteer Center (Republic of Belarus) for conducting an expert assessment of sections of the text.

Read the publication here.