Departments of Organization of Youth Work: interview with students of The Department of History, Theory and Practice of Social Communications Sabina Shakhtarina and Valeria Zhukova


The students told about their studies and future profession. 

Sabina Shakhtarina, 1st year Bachelor's degree:

Why have you decided to major in "Organization of youth work"? 

When I came to Udmurt State University, I felt that I would study here. I knew I was going to study for free (budget place). Why "Organization of youth work"? Everything is simple. I am a very active and versatile person! I love helping everyone and participating everywhere! I don't remember how I found out about this direction, but I remember that it immediately attracted me. I feel like I belong here.

Which subjects that you are currently taking do you consider the most useful? 

In fact all the subjects are useful because they allow you to develop skills in different fields and, most importantly, increase competence. We have completed quite a few subjects (it’s only the second semester of the first year). But I want to highlight some of the disciplines that I liked the most: the formation of a tolerant consciousness among young people, state youth policy, economic culture, entrepreneurship and financial literacy, and business communication in Russian.

You participate in many projects of Rosmolodyozh and other organizations. Is this a hobby for you, or do you see it as a contribution to your future career in youth policy sphere?

It's a synthesis of many factors. I'm just doing what I like. I didn't take activities seriously before, but now that I'm already 100% immersed in this area I can say that youth policy is the best thing that has happened to me in my life. Hundreds of friends and acquaintances all over Russia (and soon there will be all over the world, because I will go to the World Youth Festival), travel, new emotions and memories!

Are you invited to these events on behalf of the university, or do you find them yourself and apply?  In most cases I find events myself and submit applications. Maybe they're finding me. Yes. It is more correct to say that they find me!  Now I not only participate in events, but also actively create them. I am a regional representative of the federal project of the Young Guard of United Russia "Politics in detail", within the framework of which my team and I are holding events. I am also a member of many public organizations: the Movement of the First, the Resource Center for the Support of Volunteering of the Udmurt Republic, the Volunteer Center of Udmurt State University. I am the head of the Youth Wing of the Women's Council of the Zavyalovsky district, a member of the Youth Parliament of the 6th convocation of the Zavyalovsky district, a volunteer at the Youth Center of the Zavyalovsky district "Indigo".

What advice do you give to the persons who have not yet managed to pass the competitive selection? 

If you only knew how many times I failed. There have been so many errors and disappointments. The most important advice is if you really like something, then strive to get it, no matter what! Don't give up, go for it! Believe in yourself and your abilities. We are all different, and each of us has our own characteristics, unique skills. The task is only to find them in yourself and develop them.

Valeria Zhukova, 2nd year of Master's degree:

Why have you decided to major in "Organization of youth work"? 

I have been interested in working with children and teenagers since my school days. I liked organizing events at school camps. After graduating from school, on the recommendations of friends, I decided to enroll in Udmurt State University as a youth worker. I've never regretted it.

How long have you been working in the Department of Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy of the Izhevsk City Administration? What is the reason for choosing such a place of work?

I have been working in the Department since September 2022. After completing my Bachelor's degree in "Organization of youth work" I began actively looking for a job. I found a vacancy in the Izhevsk City Administration, which immediately interested me, since the functionality was diverse (starting with document management and ending with the organization of large city events).

How do your work and studies intersect? Perhaps you are developing some project as part of the preparation of your Master's thesis? 

Study and work are closely interconnected. As part of the preparation of my Master's dissertation, I am working on a project on the topic "Organization of project management in the field of youth policy" (using the example of the Izhevsk City Municipality), which is related to project activities carried out by the Department of Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy of the Izhevsk City Administration.

Do many of your classmates work in youth policy sphere? 

There are 10 people in my group. Of these four persons are working in the field of youth policy: the Department of Youth Policy of Udmurt State University, the Council of Student Associations, the Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity of Izhevsk.

What knowledge and skills acquired during your studies have you most often used in your work?      In my work I most often use the following skills and abilities:

– communication skills (not only the ability to communicate, but also the ability to negotiate, make arguments, the ability to work in a team, understand the feelings of others and control their emotions);

– Time management (the ability to organize your work and manage your time competently);

– The ability to work with information (the ability to search for verified information, analyze it and draw the right conclusions).