Bookshelf: Higher education: demands and expectations of high school students


The e-library has started cooperation with the Center for Sociological Research "14-35" (State University of Management). We are glad that our library has been replenished with publications from colleagues. We hope for further fruitful cooperation.

The Center conducts practice-oriented research on current topics in the field of youth policy and educational activities. The object of the study is youth as a separate socio-demographic group. The research involves the teaching staff of the State University of Management.

We present to you the publication "Higher education: demands and expectations of high school students". The Center conducted this study in 2022. 20 people participated in the focus groups. These are 10th grade students from two schools – Moscow and the Moscow Region. The choice of 10th grade students is due to the fact that their requests and expectations after studying at the university have already been largely formed.

Key topics that you will find in the study:

-Assessment of the need for higher education for a successful life in modern society,

 Obstacles to the realization of equal opportunities for university admission,

  Factors that influence the choice of university,

  Realizing the potential of a person and her abilities,

  Internships, internships, employment,

  The image of an educational organization in the representations of high school students.