Materials of the Centre for Youth Studies (HSE University – St. Petersburg)


We offer you books on youth of the Centre for Youth Studies of the HSE University in St. Petersburg.

Youth in the City: Cultures, Scenes and Solidarities / Compiler and scientific editor E. Omelchenko. – М.: HSE Publishing House, 2020. – 502 p.

The monograph has been prepared based on the results of the collective project “Creative fields of interethnic interaction and youth cultural scenes of Russian cities” (2015-2017). The research was conducted among the youth of four cities (Kazan, St. Petersburg, Makhachkala and Ulyanovsk) using various methods: a students’ survey, focus groups, case studies of youth communities (vegans, anime fans, rappers). The book consists of three sections: “Youth cultural scenes and interethnic interaction”; “Solidarity, identity and cultural preferences of Russian youth”; “From workouters to Witch House: ethnography of cultural diversity”.

You can find the resource by following the link

Children and teenagers in the ethnosphere of a large Russian city / ed. by E. Omelchenko, E. Luk'yanova. – SPb.: Own publishing, 2015. – 200 p.

The compilation contains the results of an empirical study devoted to the peculiarities of the formation of ethno-religious identity of children and adolescents in a large Russian city. Authors examine various aspects of production and reproduction of ethnic and religious images in day-to-day life of families with different migration histories. Practices of ethno-religious education, both its intra-familial and institutional forms including school education as a space of interaction of various ethnic discourses. The book is intended for teachers, students, postgraduates, sociologists, employees of regional, city and district administrations, as well as for a wide range of readers.

You can find the resource by following the link

Pro Body. Youth context / ed. by Е. Omelchenko, N. Nartova. – SPb.: Aletejya, 2013. – 282 p.

The collection of articles has been prepared based on the results of the project “Between discipline and experiment: body regimes of youth in everyday life in modern Russian socio-economic conditions” carried out within the framework of the HSE Research Foundation Program in 2011-2012. The book reflects the results of an empirical study on various aspects of body practices of Russian youth. Authors focus on what body images are formed in the youth environment, what practices, rules and interpretations of the treatment of one’s own body are implemented by young people in day-to-day life. Scholars concentrate on the working class youth. Individual and collective images of physicality are revealed through the study of hygienic, food, sexual, sport and consumer practices.

You can find the resource by following the link