Mikhail Mishustin has approved a unified plan of the Russian Federation to achieve national development goals until 2030, in the perspective until 2036


On January 9 the Government completed the formation of a unified plan to achieve national development goals until 2030, in the perspective until 2036. The plan will become the main reference point in the work of the Government, ministries, agencies, regional administrations, development institutions and state-owned companies to fulfil the tasks set by the President.

The unified plan defines strategic priorities for achieving the national goals and their indicators for the next 12 years.

The national goals approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation (http://www.kremlin.ru/acts/bank/45726) form the foundation of all areas of Russia's state policy, as well as youth policy including:

- preservation of the population, improvement of health and wellbeing of people, support of the family

- realizing the potential of each individual, developing his or her talents, and fostering a patriotic and socially responsible person

- comfortable and safe living environment

- ecological wellbeing

- sustainable and dynamic economy

- technological leadership

- digital transformation of state and municipal administration, the economy and the social sphere

The key tools for solving these tasks will be the National Project "Youth and Children" including the federal projects "Russia – Land of Opportunities" and "We Are Together" as well as the state programme "Education Development" and others.