National lists of laws and regulations in the field of youth policy have been updated on the CIS Internet portal 


The decision was made by the Council for Youth Affairs of the CIS Member States at the meeting held on October 11-12, 2021 in Kapan, the Republic of Armenia.

Source: CIS Executive Committee
Source: CIS Executive Committee

The starting point in the development of legal regulation of state youth policy was the Law of the USSR No. 2114-1 of April 16, 1991 "On the general principles of state youth policy in the USSR". In the first years of its independence most of the CIS countries approved and put into effect regulatory legal acts aimed at protecting the rights and interests of the younger generation. Since then the legislation of the CIS countries in the field of youth policy has been improving. 

Today concepts "youth" and "state youth policy" are enshrined in the legislations of the CIS member states. It should be noted that age categories of young people may differ depending on the traditionally formed ideas on this socio-demographic group of citizens in each country.

Strategical and conceptual documents are regularly adopted, including, for instance, the Action Plan for 2021-2015 settled upon in Kyrgyzstan as the first stage of the implementation of the Youth Policy Concept for 2020-2030

In all the CIS member states, except Armenia, basic laws in the field of youth policy have been enacted:

- Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 997-IIQ of April 9, 2002 "On youth policy";

- Federal Law No. 489-FZ of December 30, 2020 "On youth policy in the Russian Federation";

- Law of the Republic of Belarus No. 65-3 of December 7, 2009 "On the basics of state youth policy";

- Law of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 256 of July 31, 2009 "On the basics of state youth policy";

- Law of the Republic of Moldova No. 215 of July 29, 2016 "On youth";

Law of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 52 of July 15, 2014 "On youth and state youth policy";

Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 285-V ZRK of February 9, 2015 "On state youth policy";

Law of Turkmenistan No. 423-V of August 29, 2013 "On state youth policy";

Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. ZRU-406 of September 14, 2016 "On state youth policy".

The CIS countries also have special laws in the field of state youth policy, for example, the Law of the Republic of Belarus No. 305-3 of November 9, 1999 "On state support to youth and children's public associations in the Republic of Belarus". Moreover, by-laws are being adopted. For instance, target state program "Affordable housing for young families" is being implemented in the Republic of Armenia. 

The Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the CIS frames model legislation in order to develop regulatory and legal relations:

Model Law "On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development" (adopted in 2009);

Model Law "On state youth policy" (adopted in 2012);

Model Law "On volunteering" (adopted in 2015);

Model Law "On patriotic education" (adopted in 2015);

Model Law "On the activities of student groups" (adopted in 2018);

- Model Law "On children's and youth tourism" (adopted in 2018, redrafted). 

You can find the national lists of laws and regulations by following the link