Applications for the Competition of the best youth projects of creative industries


Applications for the Competition of the best youth projects of creative industries, which is held with the support of Roskuktcenter and Rosmolodyozh, are accepted until May 18, 2022. 

Source: Municipal autonomous institution "Center of Culture "Ugra-present"
Source: Municipal autonomous institution "Center of Culture "Ugra-present"

The purpose of the Competition is to support and develop youth initiatives in the field of creative industries, to provide conditions for the professional development of the creative population of all the subjects of the Russian Federation, and to assist in the implementation of socially significant projects in the sphere of creative industries with economic potential.

Both citizens of the Russian Federation aged 14 to 35 years inclusively and youth organizations can participate. 

The Competition directions are as follows:

- Support and interaction with public organizations and movements;

- Promotion of career guidance and career aspirations of youth people;

- Development of youth self-government;

- Involvement of young people in creative activities;

- Innovations and start-ups;

- Development of international and interregional cooperation. 

To take part in the Competition you must fill out an application on the website of ADS "Youth of Russia".

The Competition is held in three stages:

- Applications: from March 21, 2022 to May 18, 2022;

- Deadline for consideration and evaluation of applications by the Expert Council: from May 18, 2022 to May 31, 2022;

- Deadline for the announcement of results: June 10, 2022. 

The projects of the winners will be presented at the Russian Creative Week in Moscow. The projects will also be placed in the catalogue "The best projects of the Russian Creative Week 2022". 

Detailed information is available on the organizer's website