Publications published with the support of the All-Russian Union of Public Associations "Youth Social and Economic Initiatives"


We offer to your attention both information-analytical and methodological materials stored in our library.

My city: youth participation in the territorial development. Study guide / L. Pastukhova, N. Bagrintseva, A. Kozlov, А. Chigarina. – 2019. – 140 p.

The basis of the training manual is grounded on materials of the study of two Competitions’ results aimed at socio-economic development of the capital and Russian regions. Authors elaborate upon a subject of social project activity as an open educational space for the formation of civic qualities of young people.

You can find the resource by following the link

Formation of the civic identity of youth: pedagogical and managerial practices. – 2019. – 164 p.

The compilation presents pedagogical and managerial practices of participants in full-time events of the All-Russian competition of youth author projects and projects in the field of education directed at socio-economic development of Russian territories – “My Country – my Russia” 2019 and the All-Russian Pedagogical Conference “Project practices in the field of civic education”.

You can find the resource by following the link

All-Russian educational project "My country - my Russia" 2017. – 122 p.

The project aim is to attract young people to participate in socio-economic development of Russian regions, cities and villages – elaboration and implementation of projects aimed at improving management system of Russian territories, development of the real sector of the economy, social, scientific and pedagogical spheres.

You can find the resource by following the link

Project practices in the field of civic education. Sourcebook. – М., 2020. – 780 p.

The compilation presents pedagogical and managerial practices of participants in full-time events of the All-Russian competition of youth author projects and projects in the field of education directed at socio-economic development of Russian territories – “My Country – my Russia” 2020 and the II International Pedagogical Conference “Project practices in the field of civic education”.

You can find the resource by following the link