Collection of best practices in the field of civic and patriotic education of children and youth


The All-Russian Children's Center "Smena" has given the collection for 2023 to our library. It highlights the problems of patriotic education of children and youth in modern conditions.

The compilation presents effective practices and successful experience in organizing civil and patriotic education of children and youth. The publication includes events of various formats: games, lessons, contests, festivals, expeditions, etc. The compilation includes three sections: "Remember the past", "Live in the present", "Think about the future".

In the publication you will find cases of such organizations as the All-Russian Children's Center "Smena", the All-Russian Children's Center "Ocean", the All-Russian Children's Center "Orlyonok", the International Children's Center "Artek", the All-Russian Children's Center "Scarlet Sails".

The compilation will be useful to specialists, methodologists and teachers of organizations for children's recreation and health improvement, additional education of children.

You can read and download the publication here.