Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation No. 5090-1 of June 3, 1993 "On the main directions of state youth policy in the Russian Federation"
Included in the collections:
Development of the regulatory framework of state youth policy in Russia
9 publications
- 60
Number of pages:
Legal and regulatory materials *
Youth policy
Document type:
Codes, № and date:
№5090-1, 03.06.1993
* The e-library is not a legal reference system and is not responsible for the relevance of the document at the time of viewing.
The Resolution is the first document that defines clear criteria for the subjects in respect of which state youth policy is carried out. According to the Resolution, such subjects are citizens of the Russian Federation including persons with dual citizenship aged 14 to 30, foreign citizens, stateless persons aged 14 to 30, to the extent that their stay on the territory of the Russian Federation entails the corresponding responsibilities of federal government agencies. The subjects are young families in the first three years after marriage, in the case when one of the spouses has not reached the age of 30, as well as single-parent families with children in which the mother or father has not reached the age of 30.
youth policy, young family, directions, youth workIncluded in the collections:
Development of the regulatory framework of state youth policy in Russia
9 publications
- 60
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