Resolution of the Youth Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States No. 2-5 of November 28, 2013 "On the organization and holding the youth interparliamentary forum"
Included in the collections:
Development of international youth parliamentarism in the CIS
7 publications
- 22
Number of pages:
Legal and regulatory materials *
Youth policy
Topic (sublayer):
Youth parlamentarism
Document type:
Codes, № and date:
№2-5, 28.11.2013
* The e-library is not a legal reference system and is not responsible for the relevance of the document at the time of viewing.
The document contains the Resolution of the Youth Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) "On the organization and holding the youth interparliamentary forum" and the Regulation on the youth interparliamentary forum of the CIS Member States. According to the Regulation, the purpose of the forum is to develop international youth cooperation and parliamentarism in the Commonwealth of Independent States. The text of the Regulation is given taking into account the accepted comments and suggestions.
youth forum, international youth cooperation / collaboration, youth parliamentarismIncluded in the collections:
Development of international youth parliamentarism in the CIS
7 publications
- 22
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