Strategy for International Youth Cooperation of the CIS Member States in 2021-2030
Included in the collections:
Strategic documents in the field of youth policy in the CIS
15 publications
- 108
Fundamental documents on cooperation in the field of youth work in the CIS
7 publications
- 61
Implementation of the Strategies for International Youth Cooperation of the CIS Member States
13 publications
- 39
Number of pages:
Legal and regulatory materials *
Youth policy
Document type:
Codes, № and date:
* The e-library is not a legal reference system and is not responsible for the relevance of the document at the time of viewing.
The document contains the Decision of the Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States on the Strategy for International Youth Cooperation of the CIS Member States for 2021-2030 and the Strategy itself. The document defines main goals, objectives, principles, directions, forms and mechanisms for the development of youth cooperation in the CIS. This Strategy facilitates the unification of efforts of public authorities in the CIS countries, youth public and other organizations that participate in the implementation of state youth policy. The Strategy also consolidates the efforts of the CIS sectoral cooperation bodies to create favorable conditions for international youth cooperation.
youth policy, directions, international youth cooperation / collaborationIncluded in the collections:
Strategic documents in the field of youth policy in the CIS
15 publications
- 108
Fundamental documents on cooperation in the field of youth work in the CIS
7 publications
- 61
Implementation of the Strategies for International Youth Cooperation of the CIS Member States
13 publications
- 39
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