Ignatovich Elena

Ignatovich Elena


Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, expert in the field of professional self-determination of youth


Elena Ignatovich is the head of the Department of Youth Policy and Socio-Cultural Communications of the state educational institution "National Institute for Higher Education".

In 2009 she defended PhD thesis on the topic "The system of information and pedagogical support for professional self-determination of high school students" (National Institute for Higher Education).

She teaches the following disciplines: "Improving career guidance in educational institutions"; "Methodology of pedagogical activity in English"; "English for academic purposes"; "Pedagogical support for professional self-determination of the individual"; "Career guidance". 

Scientific interests: social inclusion of youth, state personnel policy, development of inclusive self-government, human resource management, management models based on the analysis of evidence, professional self-determination of the individual, design of pedagogical systems.



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