100 years since the founding of the pioneer organization


In honor of the significant date we present a selection of documents about pioneers and the Russian Schoolchildren's Movement – an organization that continues its traditions today.

Source: RIA Novosti
Source: RIA Novosti

The birthday of the pioneer organization is May 19, 1922. On this day the resolution “Children’s Movement” was adopted at the second All-Russian Komsomol Conference.

The pioneer organization was created as an addition to the Komsomol – the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League. This union played a huge role in the education of young men and women of the USSR. You can read more about the history of this organization in the book issued in "Veche Publishing" in 2020

In the early 1990s, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, many various children’s organizations were formed instead of the pioneer movement.

In the Union State – the Republic of Belarus – a new pioneer organization was established in 1990 and exists to this day. The main directions of the Belarusian republican pioneer organization are civic and patriotic education of children and youth, spiritual and moral formation of a modern personality, development of sports and tourism, popularization of healthy lifestyle, social protection of children, charity, environmental protection. In our library you can get acquainted with the documents covering the BRPO activities.

- Methodological recommendations on the organization of work with junior members of the public association "Belarusian republican pioneer organization" – "octobrists";

- Methodological recommendations on the organization of interaction of extracurricular education institutions with public associations "Belarusian republican union of youth" and "Belarusian republican pioneer organization"

In Russia the Russian Schoolchildren’s Movement can be considered as the continuer of pioneer traditions. The movement was created in 2015 by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

The Russian Schoolchildren’s Movement was organized with the aim of improving state policy in the field of education of the younger generation and promoting the personality formation on the basis of the system of values inherent in the Russian society. The Standing order is also presented on our portal.