Digest of documents for the 50th week of 2022


27 documents have been added to the library this week. Most of the materials are of a regulatory nature.

The category "Legal and regulatory materials" has been supplemented with state programs, concepts, laws, and other types of documents:

1) Issue 1 of the Unified Qualification Directory of employee positions. Positions of employees for all types of activities

2) State Program for the development of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020

3) Long-term program to promote youth employment for the period up to 2030

4) Employment Roadmap 2020

5) Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 29, 2010 No. ZRU-263 "On the prevention of neglect and delinquency among minors"

6) Law of Turkmenistan dated January 12, 2016 No320-V "On volunteering"

7) Conception of State Youth Policy

8) The concept of state youth policy in the Russian Federation

9) National Action Plan for the implementation of children's rights in Turkmenistan for the period 2018-2022

10) Educational standard for retraining of managers and specialists (OSRB 1-08 01 75)

11) Sectoral Program for the development of physical culture and sports in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2015

12) Action plan for 2021-2023 for the implementation of the Concept for the development of cooperation between the CIS Member States in support of Youth Volunteer Movement

13) Regulation on the International Project "Youth Capital of the CIS"

14) Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to organize the activities of the YOSHLAR - KELAJAGIMIZ" Fund under the Youth Union of Uzbekistan (in Uzbek)

15) Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of August 12, 2003 No. 3310 "On the experiment on the creation of the specialty "Organization of youth work"

16) Program "Business Roadmap 2020"

17) Program "Affordable Housing - 2020"

18) Program of the Government of the Republic of Armenia (2021-2026)

19) Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to improve the efficiency of state youth policy and support the activities of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan"

20) Federal state educational standard of higher education bachelor's degree in the field of study 39.03.03 Organization of youth work

The category "Statistical materials" includes the results of the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey in the Republic of Belarus conducted in 2019:

21) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey in the Republic of Belarus (2019). Gender equality

22) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey in the Republic of Belarus (2019). Vital activity of the child

23) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey in the Republic of Belarus (2019). School education and parental involvement

24) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey in the Republic of Belarus (2019). Adolescents

25) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey in the Republic of Belarus (2019). Indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals

26) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey in the Republic of Belarus (2019). Characteristics of the sample

The category "Information-analytical materials" has been replenished with one document, namely:

27) Project "With a diploma – to the village!"