Digest № 6: publications of the Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education of the Russian Academy of Education


Today's digest presents methodological and information-analytical materials of the leading scientific institution in the field of education in Russia. The Institute determines strategic priorities for the development of education in the country, coordinates state programs and projects in the field of education. It is part of the Russian Academy of Education.

Methodological materials:

1)      Development and implementation of the section on education as part of an additional general education programme: methodological recommendations

2)      Guide to the parenting programme: for a class teacher

3)      Leaflet for employees of educational organisations of general, secondary and higher professional education on the organisation of work on the prevention of destructive manifestations in the educational environment

4)      Leaflet on conducting preventive interviews for specialists in the system of education and prevention of child neglect and juvenile delinquency

5)      Methodological recommendations for the implementation of the module of the exemplary educational work programme "Basic school activities"

6)      Methodological recommendations on the implementation of educational programmes for general education institutions: self-management

7)      Methodological recommendations on the implementation of educational programmes for general education institutions: self-government. Addendum 1-9

8)      Methodological recommendations on the implementation of educational programmes for general education institutions: self-government. Addendum 10

9)      Methodological recommendations on the implementation of educational programmes for general educational organisations. Module "Lesson activities"

10)   Methodological recommendations on the interaction between the educational organisation and parents in the process of implementing the working programme of education

11)   Methodological recommendations on vocational guidance for general education organisations

12)   Model working programme of education for general education organisations

Information-analytical materials:

13)   Analytical report "Results of monitoring of value orientations of modern youth 2022". Qualitative stage

14)   Family reading traditions: survey results

15)   I-you-her-she – together a whole country: 5 class events of the year. Programme of extracurricular activities for active socialisation of the 5th grade students

16)   My school - my opportunities. I-you-he-she-is-a-country-together: 5 classroom events of the year

17)   Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "From the Soviet School to the Russian School of the XXI Century: educational issues"

18)   Renovation of out-of-school education in modern socio-cultural conditions of Russia

19)   Social media: survey results

20)   Vocabulary of prevention