Digest of documents for the 19th week of 2023


21 documents have been received by the library over the past week. Most of them are the publications of the Representative Offices of the United Nations Children's Fund in Turkmenistan and Armenia as well as recommendations of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States. In addition to them, the Convention on the Rights of the Child from UNICEF has been added to the library.

Legal and regulatory materials:

1)     Convention on the Rights of the Child

2)     The concept of the development of education in the field of culture and art of the CIS Member States

3)     Interstate program of innovative cooperation of the CIS Member States for the period up to 2030

4)     Action Plan for 2021-2023 for the implementation of the Strategy for the development of cooperation between the CIS Member States in the field of tourism for 2021-2030

5)     Recommendations of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States for the establishment and compliance with the standards of requirements for programs in the field of primary prevention of socially dangerous phenomena among young people

6)     Recommendations of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States for the creation and development of youth parliamentary structures in the CIS Member States

7)     Recommendations of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States on support for youth and children's associations

8)     Recommendations of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States on measures to identify and systematically support talented children and youth

9)     Recommendations of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States on training of the teaching staff

10)     Recommendations of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States on child protection in the CIS Member States

11)     Recommendations of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States for improving the legislation of the CIS Member States in the field of countering extremism

Methodological materials:

12)     Methodological recommendations for strengthening interethnic and interfaith relations in educational institutions of higher education

13)    Education in the process of learning and in the family: teaching manual 

14)     Education for sustainable development: environmental ethics. Experience of interdisciplinary integration in the humanitarian and environmental education of schoolchildren. Scientific and methodological manual

Information-analytical materials:

15)     Situational Analysis on Youth in Turkmenistan. A UN Inter-Agency Initiative

16)     The 2015-2016 Turkmenistan Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

17)     Distance Education and Remote Learning Practices in Armenia. Analysis of the Education System Response to COVID-19

18)     Guidelines for the activities of the RA Human Rights Defender in the field of protection of the rights of the child. Legal analysis

19)      Final survey of the level of knowledge, attitudes and behaviour of population towards children and women with disabilities in the Republic of Tajikistan. Analytical report

20)      It’s about Inclusion. Access to Education, Health, and Social Protection Services for Children with Disabilities in Armenia

21)      Core Diagnostic of the Social Protection System in Armenia