Digest of documents for the 48th week of 2022


10 new documents have been added to the library this week. They are mainly devoted to the problems of volunteering in the Russian Federation. Materials from the Association of Volunteer Centers, the Russian Public Opinion Research Center and other organizations are presented.

The category "Information-analytical materials" was supplemented with collections, recommendations, research and a report:

1)    Corporate volunteering. From theory to practice

2)    Collection of best practices and initiatives of the All-Russian competition "Volunteer of Russia"

3)    Effective practices of "silver" volunteering

4)    Report on the development of volunteering in the Russian Federation in 2019

5)    Study of the potential for the development of volunteerism among students of educational institutions of secondary vocational and higher education

6)    The demand for non-material incentives for volunteering

7)    Youth and youth policy (Russian Public Opinion Research Center)

The category "Methodological materials" presents manuals and recommendations:

8)    Methodological materials for attracting and organizing volunteers and volunteer organizations by state and municipal institutions

9)    Systematic development of youth volunteering in the context of healthy lifestyle promotion: methodological recommendations 

10)  Theoretical and practical foundations for the development of the school volunteer movement: methodological guide