Digest of documents for the 9th week of 2023


Over the past week 10 new documents have been added to the library. We present a complete list of the latest documents.

The added publications include information-analytical materials and methodological documents from the Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education of the Russian Academy of Education.

Information-analytical materials:

1)      Digital generation in education

2)      Modern childhood: psychological and pedagogical support of family and the development of education. A collection of materials of the First All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference, Moscow, April 16-18, 2018

3)      Social adaptation of orphans: in the first person. Analytical report

4)      Social partnership: pedagogical support of education subjects. Materials of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference, Moscow, April 20–22, 2017

5)      The value of childhood in the modern world and education

6)      Theory and practice of self-organization. Scientific grounds for pedagogical support of self-organization and co-organization of subjects of intergenerational relations in educational institutions, children's public associations, adolescent and youth clubs at the place of residence, in non-formal education: a scientific and methodological guide for teachers and heads of educational organizations

Methodological materials:

7)      Digital generation in education. Practical recommendations for teachers and leaders of educational organizations

8)      Modern teaching methods in the professional socio-pedagogical training of social specialists. Educational and methodological manual for institutions of higher and additional professional education

9)      The child as a subject of his development. The experience of pedagogical search for innovative platforms: a methodological guide

10)  The specifics of the socio-pedagogical training of specialists for the prevention of social deviations. Scientific and methodological manual for universities