Expert community: Veronica Punchik, Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences


We continue to introduce you to experts in the field of youth policy within the framework of the rubric "Expert community". Today we will tell you about a specialist from the Republic of Belarus, an employee of the Department of Youth Policy and Socio-Cultural Communications of the National Institute for Higher Education Veronica Punchik.

Veronika Punchik is the author of more than 170 publications. Her academic interests include methodology of pedagogy, cognitive pedagogy, rational organization of independent work of students, pedagogical innovation, digitalization of education, etc.

She also teaches at the Department of Pedagogy at the Maksim Tank Belarusian State Pedagogical University (BSPU named after M. Tank). Moreover, she runs the portal "The Association of  Youth Workers", which contains up-to-date information about youth policy and youth work in the Republic of Belarus.

Our library contains articles from 2020-2022 provided by Punchik as part of a partnership agreement with the National Institute for Higher Education. Here is the list of materials:

1) Component-based reconstruction heuristic as pedagogical technology of youth cognitive acitivity management

2) Innovative practices for the development of social and cultural activity of students in the Republic of Belarus

3) Patriotic education of youth of the Republic of Belarus: conceptual constructs

4) Transdisciplinary foundations for the development of compliance in cyberethics

5) Transformation of independent learning activities of students in the conditions of a remotely organized educational process

Veronica Punchik (source: Department of Pedagogy of BGPU)
Veronica Punchik (source: Department of Pedagogy of BGPU)