Bookshelf: Experience and prospects for the development of the volunteer movement in the Commonwealth (2019)


The second publication, which we want to introduce you to in this section, is dedicated to volunteering in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

The compilation "Experience and prospects for the development of the volunteer movement in the Commonwealth" was published in 2019. Experts from the Council for Youth Affairs of the CIS Member States worked on it.

It provides a detailed overview of the development of the youth volunteer movement in the CIS Member States. A separate chapter is devoted to each country. General statistical information, information about the regulatory framework, models of work with educational organizations and best volunteer practices are provided. Information about volunteer organizations in these countries is also given.

Brief information about the history of the development and formation of the volunteer movement in the Soviet Union is also provided. The goals, tasks and forms of volunteer work in the Commonwealth today are defined.

Special attention is paid to the description of the practice of the Council for Youth Affairs in organizing the exchange of experience in volunteer activities to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection. 

The publication also includes the "Concept of cooperaton development of the CIS Member States in support of the youth volunteer movement".

At the end of the compilation you can get acquainted with the Action Plan for 2018-2020 for the implementation of the Concept of cooperation development of the CIS Member States in support of the youth volunteer movement.