Documents of the Institute for Youth Development (Kyrgyzstan)


The selection includes materials of our partner – Institute for Youth Development (Kyrgyzstan).

Forms of discrimination in school distance education during the COVID-19 pandemic in Kyrgyzstan / A. Efremova, М. Sarkulova, N. Orozobekova, E. Kazakbaeva. – 13 p.

The publication contains key conclusions based on the results of research done by the Institute for Youth Development within the framework of the project “Discriminatory features in the measures of the Kyrgyz State in school distance education during the COVID-19 pandemic”. Additionally, a reader may find general recommendations, general information and results of fieldwork in this document. The study analyzes the process of transition to distance education viewed from different perspectives: from the point of view of school administration, teachers, schoolchildren, parents. The publication was prepared with the financial support of the European Union.

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Problems of youth participation in the development of the Republic: Analytical note. – Bishkek, 2006. – 36 p.

The analytical note presents the results of an expert-analytical study devoted to identifying main problems of the youth in Kyrgyzstan. The first stage of the research included the work of focus groups organized in all the regions of Kyrgyzstan (26 villages). The second stage was about holding round tables in all the republic’s regions with the involvement of all the interested groups and organizations. The third stage implied holding a National Conference that was attended by all the active members of the study who showed themselves at previous stages as well as experts and representatives of international organizations. The development and publication of this document was carried out within the framework of the Youth Project of the UN Volunteers programme with the assistance of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Kyrgyz Republic and the support of the Bishkek Office of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.

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Operational strategy until 2019. – 2017. – 9 p.

The brochure contains the analytical report on the activities of the Institute for Youth Development, which is an analytical and resource center for promoting development and prosperity of the youth in Kyrgyzstan, from 2012 to 2017, as well as information of the organizations’ goals for the period of 2017-2019.

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Criteria of youth policy of Kyrgyzstan. – Bishkek, 2019. – 20 p.

The criteria were developed by the Institute for Youth Development and published within the framework of the project “Prospects for Youth” implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on behalf of the Federal Government. Six criteria for the quality of youth policy and its quality indicators are given. In our library you may also find other materials of the GIZ.

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Informal youth employment in Kyrgyzstan / E. Kazakbaeva, N. Syrgak kyzy. – 2020. – 94 p.

In this document research outcomes are published. The aim of the research was to scrutinize the present situation in the area of informal youth employment in the Kyrgyz Republic through the identification of problems, challenges and opportunities for legalization of youth employment and development of legal labor markets. Recommendations are given to the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Ministry of Labor and Social Development, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Education and Science, the State Employment service, non-governmental institutions, and analytical and research institutes. 

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