Departments of Organization of Youth Work: an interview with 1st year postgraduate student of the Department of Social Work and Social Security (NarFU)


Viktor Obukhovsky, 1st year postgraduate student of the specialty "Social structure, social institutions and processes".

1) You have completed a Bachelor's degree in the specialty "Organization of youth work", and a Master's degree in the specialty "Social work" (Master's program "Social work with various groups of the population"). Why did you decide to choose OYW when applying?

In 2017, when I enrolled, it was possible to apply for only three directions. I only understood the approximate guideline. I wanted either something close to my hobbies (creative), or just at least not boring and unrealistic. The reluctance to leave his hometown of Arkhangelsk also played a role. So, in my application submitted to NarFU appeared "Publishing" (I always loved and knew how to write), "Advertising and public relations" and, on the recommendation of an employee of the admissions committee, "Organization of youth work" (then I absolutely did not understand what it was). Further, due to various "accidents" that I do not believe in in any way, I got to the OYW. And this "disbelief in randomness" only strengthened after admission, because, as I immediately realized, it was one of the best choices in my life. As noted above, deep down I have always dreamed of being in creative professions: director, writer, actor, musician, etc. However, I could not even think that the specialties received at the department would give me a little bit from each of these areas. Only, for sure, in socially useful and scientific contexts. To implement training technologies, organize serious events and research, shoot videos, write posts, interact with people and much more – isn't this creativity? It turned out to be such a scientific and creative mixture of possibilities for the realization of all talents.

2) What were the topics of your graduation papers? Where did you practice during your studies?

I did all the "production" practices in schools (as an organizing teacher). Such practices did not distract me from other educational and scientific matters, from activities for the department. I never even thought about internships at youth centers, etc., because by that time I already knew that I would most likely be a teacher.

Graduation topics have always been unusual to varying degrees. Bachelor's thesis: "The role of modern Russian cinema in the formation of family values of young people." As part of it, I tried to check how modern Russian cinema affects the family attitudes and values of young people, their attitude to family life in general, and whether there is any correlation at all. I implemented a questionnaire, conducted a focus group. We watched the film with the respondents and discussed it, analyzed it. The master's thesis is, of course, more serious, but it also retains the exclusivity of mixing topics: "Media education in social work with young people in an open space." The study was large-scale: an in-depth interview with the person responsible for spaces in the Arkhangelsk Region, 11 interviews with curators of local spaces, content analysis. At that time youth spaces were experiencing a boom in the popularity of development, actively being created throughout the country. There was a request for methodological materials, according to which specialists – curators of spaces can fill the activities of points, work with young people. Activities to develop media literacy skills (conscious consumption and production of content and protect yourself from all kinds of destructive information) They were the best examples of possible methods, technologies and formats of work for the implementation. It can be said that the methodological recommendations developed based on the results of the work were very detailed and substantive. By the way, I want to expand and publish them.

3) What motivated you to go to graduate school and do research?          

I had no idea not to continue my studies further. I would like to confirm my abilities and knowledge with a scientific degree, so that, for example, later (from the point of view of "formalities") I can fully introduce fresh views into science and teach students.  It is necessary to improve their skills, go beyond the scope of applied OYW and social work, expand the scientific understanding of social issues, the scientific method in principle. Additionally, there is a personal factor. I will be the first candidate of sciences in my whole family, all my relatives believe in me – I cannot let them down.

4) Tell us about your dissertation. What is the topic of the work and who is the supervisor?

At the moment the topic is still being clarified. The working title of the dissertation is "Transformation of youth media consumption in a digital environment." It is fascinating to study how thinking and lifestyle have been changing under the influence of the often even forced use and widespread introduction of completely different forms of "media". How young people rebuild their consciousness, values, and consumer behavior in relation to content in the conditions of constantly surrounding digital devices. My supervisor is Vera Orlova, Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Head of the Department. Department of Philosophy and Sociology of Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR).

5) The Department of Social Work and Social Security has a Discussion club "Student Coffee House" for students of social and humanitarian profile. We wrote about this club in winter. How did you get into the project? How do you assess its success?

The history of the club is long. In short, it existed at the department even before my arrival under a different name: "Student Tea Room". Before my arrival the project was "frozen". Doing already in the Master's degree, I resumed the activities of the club at the suggestion of the supervisor. I gathered a project team around me, documented the existence of the club, "modernized" the concept and design, filled it with activities and events, conducting them myself, supervising, and running social networks for two years.

It is important to note that the club is not only for "humanities". We always wait and invite different guests to create an interdisciplinary dialogue of different professional opinions – a productive interaction of polar points of view.

I rate the effectiveness of the format quite highly. Not without specific difficulties in involving students in the work of the club – this has its own nuances. More and more often, modern students stop being ideological. We need sophisticated ways to motivate them.

Now the club is on pause. I am no longer in charge of the project. I will be a curator and consultant. Now we are looking for a decent team that will continue the work that has been started.

6) You work as an assistant at the Department of Social Work and Social Security. What are your responsibilities?

So far, the range of responsibilities is small. I conduct practical classes, project practices. The wonderful staff of the native department provided an opportunity to realize a dream. Now, on my own, as a young teacher, I help bring ideas to life for the next generations of students, equipping them with tools, techniques and technologies, sharing my experience, trying to inspire them to achieve personal heights.