Departments of Organization of Youth Work: Department of Sociology and Organization of Youth Work (NRU "BelSU")


The second post from the heading, in which we introduce you to the departments where the direction "Organization of youth work" is implemented, is dedicated to colleagues from the Belgorod State National Research University.

The department is part of the Institute of Social Sciences and Mass Communications. The department was founded in 2009 (as part of the Institute – since 2018).

The department implements four educational programs:

- Organization of youth work (Bachelor's degree);

- Organization of youth work, Master's program "Management in the field of youth policy";

- Sociology, profile "Sociological and marketing research" (Bachelor's degree);

- Sociology, Master's degree program "Sociology of Management".

Students of the department take an active part in events both inside the university, for example, they represent the department at conferences and debates, and outside, participating in actions, forums and volunteer activities.

Among the tutors of the department are leading specialists and practitioners of the Ministry of Youth Affairs of the Belgorod Region, the Center for Youth Initiatives of the Belgorod Region, youth public organizations, scientists from specialized institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, etc.

We offer you to get acquainted with the publications of the Department of Sociology and Organization of Youth Work here.

The department cooperates with the Department of Sociology and Social Work of the partner university of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

The staff and students of the department also work at the International Center for Sociological Research. The center is a structural subdivision of the National Research University "BelSU". The center has a Youth Sociology Laboratory that monitors the social problems of the region's youth and conducts international research.

Combining theoretical knowledge and practical skills is an important quality for a student majoring in "Organization of youth work". We talked with two students of the department who are already working by profession:

Alexey Kolmakov, 2nd year of Master's degree, social pedagogue at school № 42 in Belgorod and performer of the role of Passepartout in the Fort Boyard TV Show:

"My media activity in the role of Passepartout really helps me in working with children. With my participation I can attract the attention of their inquisitive mind and bring an element of fun and surprise to my classes. Thanks to this, I can create a more trusting relationship with my audience and help them develop as individuals. My media activity also allows me to learn more about their interests and problems in order to be more effective in my work. I am more often seen and recognized on the street, which makes it clear to children that they need to be active, optimistic, participate in grant projects, etc., as this will greatly help in the future to form their inner self".

Valeria Orobinskaya, 4th year Bachelor's degree, Consultant of the Department of Youth Initiatives and Public Communications of the Ministry of Youth Affairs of the Belgorod Region:

"My responsibilities include organizing a forum campaign, an annual regional competition for employees in the field of state youth policy, a competition for young entrepreneurs of the region, compiling reports, programs as well as working in various electronic databases".

"A strong theoretical base is not always a guarantee of a specialist's success. It is necessary to touch the "real" youth policy in order to love it with all your soul".

The whole interview read here.