Bookshelf: "Five keys to effective volunteering. Version 2.0"


We present to you a methodological guide issued by the Resource Center for the Development and support of the volunteer movement "Mosvolonter".

The publication released in 2023 describes current technologies, universal methods and recommendations on the organization and support of volunteer movements in educational organizations. The manual also includes the experience of socially oriented non-profit organizations and commercial organizations that implement volunteer initiatives and corporate volunteerism programs in the system of the Standard for organizing volunteer activities "5 keys to a successful volunteer program".

The manual discusses the five main steps of working with volunteers:

- attraction,

- support,

- motivation,

- support,

- encouragement.

When considering these steps, much attention is paid to the development of online interaction formats, since the publication rethinks the experience of working with volunteers in the COVID-19 pandemic.

All the described cases have been implemented by the Mosvolonter Resource Center as well as partner non-profit organizations, volunteer associations of Moscow and charitable foundations.

The publication can be useful for heads of volunteer centers of educational, non-profit and commercial organizations, heads of volunteer corps at events, leaders of volunteer associations, students of additional professional education programs, as well as for volunteers who want to create their own volunteer association in the future.

Read the book here.