Digest № 8: publications on counsellor’s activities


All publications in the new digest are devoted to the counselling. The materials relate to the project "All-Russian School of Counsellors" of Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPSU).

The project is a set of measures that ensure the training of professional counsellors and the creation of conditions for their successful work in a summer health camp, on a profile shift, etc.

Methodological materials:

1)      Information and media support of the counselor's activity: methodological recommendations

2)      Normative-legal bases of counselling activity: methodological recommendations

3)      Organisation of mass events in a children's health camp: methodological recommendations

4)      Pedagogical counselling practice: the experience of students of Moscow State Pedagogical University. Methodological manual

5)      Pedagogical counselling practice: the experience of training students of Moscow State Pedagogical University. Educational and methodological manual

6)      Professional ethics and communicative culture of a counsellor: methodological recommendations

7)      Psychological and pedagogical support of the activity of a counsellor: methodological recommendations

8)      Social projects of Moscow educational organisations: review of best practices. Training and methodological manual

9)      Technology of management of organisation and preparation of profile shifts for young people aged 14 to 18 years: theory and practice. Training and methodological manual for youth work organisers

10)   The Risks of Internet Communication by Children and Youth: training manual

11)   The history of counselling: methodological recommendations

Information-analytical materials:

12)   Formation of professional motivation in students of pedagogical classes as a foundation of teacher training in the regions of the Russian Federation

13)   On civil identity of students as a factor of civic and patriotic education of modern youth

14)   On the issue of professional motivation of senior students of pedagogical universities to work in general educational organisations

15)   Pedagogical practice of students as the main component of implementation of the module "Fundamentals of counselling activity"

16)   Summer pedagogical practice of students in organisations of recreation and recuperation of children (on the example of the experience of counselor practice at Moscow State Pedagogical University)

17)  The role of Higher Education Institutions in forming human resources potential of recreation and recreation organisations for children and youth: monitoring results

18)  Towards the training of counsellors within the framework of the All-Russian School of Counsellors project

19)  Training of counsellors on the basis of educational organisations of higher education in Russia: collective monograph