Digest № 39: scientific journals on education and pedagogical science


The new digest presents four journals that have been received by the library. All of them are devoted to the pedagogical sphere and education. The issues cover the period from 2021 to 2023.

1)      Monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education". – 2022. – № 1

2)      Monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education". – 2022. – № 2

3)      Monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education". – 2022. – № 3

4)      Monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education". – 2022. – № 4

5)      Monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education". – 2022. – № 5

6)      Monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education". – 2022. – № 6

7)      Monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education". – 2022. – № 7

8)      Monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education". – 2022. – № 8

9)      Monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education". – 2022. – № 9

10)   Monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education". – 2022. – № 10

11)   Monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education". – 2022. – № 11

12)   Monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education". – 2022. – № 12

13)   Quarterly scientific journal "Pedagogical Science and Education". – 2022. – № 1

14)   Quarterly scientific journal "Pedagogical Science and Education". – 2022. – № 2

15)   Quarterly scientific journal "Pedagogical Science and Education". – 2022. – № 3

16)   Quarterly scientific journal "Pedagogical Science and Education". – 2022. – № 4

17)   Quarterly scientific journal "Pedagogical Science and Education". – 2023. – № 1

18)   Quarterly scientific journal "Pedagogical Science and Education". – 2023. – № 2

19)   Scientific and practical journal "Pedagogical Art". – 2021. – № 1

20)   Scientific and practical journal "Pedagogical Art". – 2021. – № 2

21)   Scientific and practical journal "Pedagogical Art". – 2022. – № 1

22)   Scientific and practical journal "Pedagogical Art". – 2022. – № 2

23)   Scientific and practical journal "Pedagogical Art". – 2023. – № 1

24)   All-Russian interdisciplinary journal "Pedagogy and Psychology of Education". – 2021. – № 4

25)   All-Russian interdisciplinary journal "Pedagogy and Psychology of Education". – 2022. – № 1

26)   All-Russian interdisciplinary journal "Pedagogy and Psychology of Education". – 2022. – № 2

27)   All-Russian interdisciplinary journal "Pedagogy and Psychology of Education". – 2022. – № 3

28)   All-Russian interdisciplinary journal "Pedagogy and Psychology of Education". – 2022. – № 4

29)   All-Russian interdisciplinary journal "Pedagogy and Psychology of Education". – 2023. – № 1

30)   All-Russian interdisciplinary journal "Pedagogy and Psychology of Education". – 2023. – № 2