February 17 – the Day of Russian student groups (teams)


Today marks the holiday of student groups in Russia. We bring to your attention a selection of documents on this topic.

Source: молодежьсеверодвинска.рф
Source: молодежьсеверодвинска.рф

The date of the celebration of this day is connected with the fact that on February 17, 2004 in Moscow at the All-Russian Forum of Student Brigages the Youth All-Russian public movement "Russian Student Groups" was established. For almost 60 years the movement of student groups has been the most massive movement in the country. According to the "Regulation on holding the Day of Russian Students' teams", the Day is the annual official start of the recruitment of young people to the student groups of the Russian Federation.

In our library you can find several materials that will help you get acquainted with the topic of student groups in Russia:

1) Experience of the Russian Federation in international youth cooperation in supporting the movement of student labour and volunteer groups

2) On the development of student labour and youth volunteer groups in the CIS Member States

3) Regional Law No. 665-39-OZ of April 22, 2013 "On state support for the activities of youth labour groups and student groups in the Arkhangelsk Region"

4) Regulation on holding events "IV All-Russian School of training of the command staff of the All-Russian student construction projects" within the framework of a series of All-Russian seminars and meetings on the role of student groups in the development of the system of civil and patriotic education of youth

5) Regulation on the student brigade under the Governor of the Saratov Region

You can also read about the student brigades' movement in the CIS in the information and analytical report of our library.