Digest of documents for the 31st week of 2022 


Over the past week the library has been replenished with 25 documents from Kazakhstan and Moldova. A list of the latest documents by categories is presented below. 

12 publications have been added to the "Legal and regulatory materials" category. Among them are the Law "On volunteering", various programs, regulations, plan and concept related to youth policy.

1) Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 42-VI ZRK of December 30, 2016 "On volunteering"

2) Comprehensive plan to support youth of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2025 (as amended on August 31, 2021) 

3) Family and Gender Policy Concept in the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030 

4) 2020 National Youth Sector Development Strategy

5) Regulation on the procedure for financing activities for young people

6) Regulation on the application of the Law on Volunteering No. 121 of June 18, 2010 

7) Regulation on the organization and functioning of the National Agency for Youth Programs and Events

8) Elorda Jastary" Program for 2021-2023

9) Youth Centres Development Program for 2017-2020 

10) The program of the development of the East Kazakhstan Region territory for 2016-2020

11) Framework Regulation on the organization and conduct of the Grant Program for youth organizations and a national/local project competition for youth initiative groups

12) Model regulation on the organization and functioning of the youth centre 

11 new documents have been received under the category "Statistical materials". Most of them are dedicated to youth of Kazakhstan.

1) Current issues of state youth policy in Nur-Sultan: analytical report (2021)

2) Analysis of youth employment and career guidance issues of Nur-Sultan: analytical report (2021) 

3) Youth Policy Guide (2020) 

4) Conclusion on a sociological study on the topic "Value orientations of modern youth" for 2020 

5) Kazakh families: national report (2019)

6) Kazakh families: national report (2020) 

7) Youth passport of Nur-Sultan : statistical compilation (2020) 

8) Youth passport of the West Kazakhstan Region (2020) 

9) Youth passport of the Kyzylorda Region (2020) 

10) Modern youth: a sociological study 

11) Report on youth in the Atyrau Region (dated September 10, 2020) 

The category "Information-analytical materials" has been supplemented with two documents:

1) Youth Magazine of the North Kazakhstan Region (2021) 

2) Strategia de Tineret a raionului Rezina 2019 - 2023