Digest of documents for the 35th week of 2022


Over the past week, 30 new documents have been added to the library. We present a complete list of the latest documents.

Among them are regulatory and legal materials as well as documents from the International Labour Organization. Besides, as part of the preparation of an analytical report on student brigades in the CIS, the Regulation on holding the Day of Russian Students’ teams was added to the portal. You can find other documents on the topic of student teams at the end of the digest.

Regulations, programs, report, concept, and charter have been added to the "Legal and regulatory materials" category:

1)      Charter of the state budgetary institution "Centre for military-patriotic education and training of youth for military service "Young Patriot"

2)      Concept for the development of youth policy in the Novosibirsk Region for the period 2018-2023

3)      Regulation on the competitive selection among teams of civil activists for the creation and development of a network of sports organizations in rural areas

4)      Regulation on the student brigade under the Governor of the Saratov Region

5)      State program of the Novosibirsk Region "Development of state youth policy of the Novosibirsk Region"

6)      State program of the Ryazan Region "Development of education and youth policy"

7)      State report on the situation of children and families with children in the Russian Federation for 2018

The documents of the International Labour Organization are as follows:

1)      An assessment of the social protection system in Uzbekistan Based on the Core Diagnostic instrument (CODI). A joint report by ILO, UNICEF, and the World Bank

2)      Assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on socio-economic situation in Uzbekistan: Income, labour market and access to social protection. Overview of crisis measures and ways to improve state policy

3)      Child labour and education. Guidelines for integrating working children into the school system

4)      Child Labour: Global estimates 2020, trends and the road forward

5)      COVID-19: Protect Children from Child Labour, now more than ever!

6)      Data Sources for Optimizing the Collection and Use of OSH data

7)      Decent work and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

8)      Generate your business idea

9)      Importance of the effective respect and implementation of ILO's International Labour Standards (ILS) in the context of the outbreak of COVID

10)   Methodological guide for teachers on non-formal education

11)   Occupational safety in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

12)   Promoting labour market mobility in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation

13)   Protecting migrant workers during the COVID-19 pandemic

14)   Start your business: manual

15)   Women and the World of Work in Uzbekistan. Towards Gender Equality and Decent Work for All

On the topic of student brigades you can now get acquainted with the Regulation on holding the Day of Russian Students’ teams.

You can also find a number of other documents on this topic:

1)      Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 181 of April 16, 2012 "On the organization of student groups activities in the territory of the Republic of Belarus"

2)      Experience of the Republic of Belarus on the development of the movement of student labour groups

3)      Experience of the Russian Federation in international youth cooperation in supporting the movement of student labour and volunteer groups

4)      Instruction on the procedure for organizing the activities of the students' team

5)      Model Law "On the activities of student groups"

6)      Regional Law No. 665-39-OZ of April 22, 2013 "On state support for the activities of youth labour groups and student groups in the Arkhangelsk Region"

7)      Regulation on holding events "IV All-Russian School of training of the command staff of the All-Russian student construction projects" within the framework of a series of All-Russian seminars and meetings on the role of student groups in the development of the system of civil and patriotic education of youth

8)      Regulation on the procedure for organizing the activities of student groups in the territory of the Republic of Belarus