Key regulatory documents on the recognition of eSports in Russia
The collection contains five main regulatory documents that allow you to delve into the history of the recognition of eSports in Russia.
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5 publications
Regulatory framework, statistics, analytics, results of sociological research, regional, national and international experience
Council for Youth Affairs of the CIS Member States
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
100 pp.
68 pp.
25 pp.
319 pp.
44 pp.
13 pp.
23 pp.
224 pp.
157 pp.
127 pp.
Honorary Doctor of the Russian Academy of Social and Fundamental Sciences named after Academician M.V. Lomonosov, expert in the field of penitentiary sociology (juvenile delinquency)
Associate Professor, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, expert in the field of adolescent psychology
professor, Candidate of Philosophy, Doctor of Social Sciences, expert in the field of youth culture and subculture
Doctor of Social Sciences, expert in the field of sociology of education
Associate Professor, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, expert in the field of sociology of children's reading, sociology of childhood and youth
Associate Professor, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, expert in the field of sociology of childhood
professor, Doctor of Social Sciences, expert in the field of sociology of childhood
Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, expert in the field of pedagogy methodology
professor, Candidate of Social Sciences, Doctor of Law, expert in the field of SYP legal regulation
expert in the field of state youth policy and international youth cooperation
professor, Doctor of Social Sciences, expert in the field of youth sociology
professor, Doctor of Social Sciences, expert in the field of family policy and legal support of SYP implementation
PhD in Sociology, expert in the field of sociology of youth
Associate Professor, Candidate of Cultural Studies, expert in the field of educational game techniques
Associate Professor, Candidate of Cultural Studies, expert in the field of socio-cultural creativity of youth
The collection contains five main regulatory documents that allow you to delve into the history of the recognition of eSports in Russia.
5 publications
"Smena" is a Soviet, then Russian illustrated literary and artistic magazine, founded in 1924 by the decision of the Central Committee of the RKSM as a "two-week magazine for working youth". It was a mass youth magazine of the Soviet Union.
436 publications
"Sociological Science and Social Practice" is a scientific journal intended for broad pre-professional and established professional sociological circles. The journal is also intended for experts, decision-makers and a wide range of readers interested in sociology. The journal's materials raise issues that are relatively rarely covered in scientific periodicals and suggest a multi-faceted analysis of Russian everyday life.
5 publications
"SES" is a news aggregator that brings together the main news from the world of education, technology and student life on its platform. Announcements of conferences, competitions, forums and events for students are published.
8 publications
The magazine "Pioneer" was published by the Central Committee of the Komsomol and the Central Council of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin. It has been published since 1924. From 1925 to 1935 it was published once every two weeks, then monthly.
373 publications
The methodological materials are addressed to employees of youth policy institutions, the organizers of youth work as well as students majoring in "Social work" and "Organization of youth work" at universities. In the publications you will be able to get acquainted with the theoretical and practical basis for the implementation of SYP.
13 publications